Electronic Discharge Machinery

What is in the Electronic Discharge Machinery category?

The Electronic Discharge Machinery category includes all EDM Die Sinking, Wire eroders, hole driller, Broken tap.

Electronic discharge machinery currently available

We currently have no items available at auction, but please contact us to be the first to know if we do


Manufacturers that are normally found in this category are Accutex, Agie, Agie Charmilles, Ams, Amstech, Brother, Belmont, CDM Rovella, Charmilles, Chmer, Easco, Elox, Eltee, Exeron, Fanuc, Hansvedt, Huey Long, Ingersoll,  Japax, Makino, Mitsubishi, ONA, OPS-Ingersoll, Sintron, Sodick, Sure First, Toptech Smac

Electronic Discharge Machinery FAQ's

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By creating an Apex Auctions account, you can opt-in to receive email notifications about upcoming auctions containing those very items. Alternatively, contact us and speak to an experienced member of our sales team who can source machinery of any make and model on your behalf.

I'm interested in purchasing a specific type of EDM. Can you help?

We certainly can! If you know exactly what you're looking for, use our 'Search Auctions' feature to browse thousands of items in various auctions around the world.

I have accidentally placed a bid on the wrong item. Is there something I can do?

Unfortunately, not, all bids are binding and cannot be cancelled. Please take extra care when you’re bidding and double-check any amounts before confirming your bid.