Forging and Foundry

Forging and Foundry

We sell all kinds of metalworking, forging and foundry equipment.

What is in the Forging and Foundry category?

The Forging and Foundry category includes all Forging Presses, Forging Hammers, Foundry machines.

Forging and Foundry equipment currently available

We currently have no items available at auction, but please contact us to be the first to know if we do


Manufacturers that are normally found in this category are ABB, Ajax, Beche, Bliss, Clearing, Engel, Erfurt, Erie, Eumuco, Fujicar, Gamei, HBE, Hydraulic Forging Press, Lamberton, National Machinery, Precision, Warco, Waterbury Farrel, Weingarten, Wilkins & Mitchell

Foundry and forging equipment FAQs

Help, the website is loading slowly for me.

We're aware of an issue with how certain code works on our website. For most of our users, simply clearing their browser cache resolves this problem.

Can I favourite an oven or other piece of foundry equipment and come back to it?

Yes, once signed into your bidder account simply click the star and this will add the forging or foundry equipment to your star list for that auction. You'll then be able to find it again by clicking on 'starred items' under that auction.

How do I collect my forging and foundry equipment?

We understand how stressful and complicated the removal of goods from a site can be. We endeavour to make this process as easy as possible for customers by suggesting a network of contractors in the shipping and removal industries.

Please see the service providers section for a full list of contractors.